I have created a sample webservice using Axis
2 stack that works in my local WebLogic 10.3.4 instance. Here are the steps I
have followed. I have attached a zip file that has Eclipse project.
1) Downloaded
axis 2 war
2) Added
weblogc.xml with wls:prefer-application-packages
3) Created an
Eclipse project with one class that implements the web service
4) Added
services.xml file that describes the service as Axis2 service
5) Created a
“.aar” file which includes the WebService implementation class and META-INF
directory with services.xml
6) Added the
“.aar” file to WEB-INF/services directory of axis2.war
7) Added the
service to services.list file in WEB-INF/services of axis2.war
8) Deployed
axis2.war to weblogic
9) Tested with
following URLs:
c. http://localhost:7001/axis2/services/SampleService/getPrice?symbol=IBM à tests
webservice operation
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