Wednesday, October 01, 2014

JRockit JVM Garbage Collection

Following are 3 GC algorithms available in JRockit
  1. throughput(Transactions per second): Optimizes for maximum throughput -- default
    1. moves most work to GC pauses
    2. Least GC overhead
    3. Application threads do as little as possible
  2. pausetime: Optimizes for short and even pause times
    1. move work out of GC pauses
    2. More overall GC overhead
    3. Application threads do more work
  3. deterministic: Optimizes for very short and deterministic pause times (requires Oracle JRockit Real Time
JRockit mission control
  1. monitor health and performance of JVM in production
  2. Performance tuning, diagnostics
  3. Profiling - detect hot methods

JRockit flight recorder
  1. Start JVM with recorder options to dump to a .jfr file
  2. Use mission control GUI to analyze the file

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