1. installed httpd-2.2.19-win64 apache in C:\apache
2. installed php-5.4.0-Win32-VC9-x64 php in c:\php
3. Edited httpd.conf
4. Edited php.ini
5. installed mysql in c:\mysql root/admin123
5. installed drupal-7.20 into c:\apache\htdocs
6. Created a schema in mysql
drupal_schema root/admin123
7. start apache (cmd line httpd.exe)
8. Go to localhost/drupal-7.20 and follow instructions
site-admin admin/admin123
2. installed php-5.4.0-Win32-VC9-x64 php in c:\php
3. Edited httpd.conf
4. Edited php.ini
5. installed mysql in c:\mysql root/admin123
5. installed drupal-7.20 into c:\apache\htdocs
6. Created a schema in mysql
drupal_schema root/admin123
7. start apache (cmd line httpd.exe)
8. Go to localhost/drupal-7.20 and follow instructions
site-admin admin/admin123
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