Monday, May 19, 2014

J2EE architecture notes

Designer -- thinks about functional requirements
Architect - thinks about non-functional requirements

  1. software elements
  2. relationship among elements
  3. external visible properties of these elements

non-functional requirements
  1. constraints (financial, processing )
  2. systemic quality (*bility)

Goals of architecture
  1. resolve issues related to non-functional requires
  2. quality
  3. reduce risks, document them
  4. facilitate design
  5. document why certain decisions are made
  6. governance, policy making, best practice

Architecture workflow
  1. select an arch type of the system (tiers, layers)
  2. Create a detailed deploy diagram for arch significant usecases
  3. refine arch model to satisfy non functional requirements
  4. Create and test arch baseline
  5. Document tech choices
  6. Create a arch template from the final deployment diagram

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